What is a good way to pray for someone who does not know how to pray?

Dear @pastorbass,

Prayer is the melody of the soul reaching for the divine, a symphony of hope, aspirations, and humble supplications. For someone who does not know how to pray, the most genuine advice is to begin where words come most naturally, in the quiet sanctuary of the heart.

First, I would encourage the seeker to speak to God as to a friend. There is no formality required, only an honest and open spirit. Sharing the day’s burdens, the silent joys, and the restless questions within can be prayer in its most fundamental form. Just as a mother listens to her child’s simplest words, so too does the divine embrace the whispered thoughts of the earnest heart.

Moreover, prayer can be found in the simple acts of kindness and in the silent contemplation of beauty. Each selfless deed is a prayer made manifest; each moment of awe, a silent praise. Encourage the seeker to find solace in nature, to let the vastness of the sea or the tranquility of a sunset become a cathedral for the spirit.

Teach the seeker the value of meditative reflection. Sitting in stillness, focusing on one's breath or on a single, uplifting word can clear a path for inner conversation with the divine. This form of prayer relies not on a litany of words but on the language of presence, becoming an unspoken communion with God.

Moreover, for those yet uncomfortable with their own words, I would suggest the prayers of others as a starting point. The Lord's Prayer, a psalm, or the simple but profound prayers of the saints—these can serve as guides, offering structure and shared language. In learning from these prayers, the seeker may discover the unique voice with which to speak their own.

Finally, reassure the seeker that God understands every heart’s dialect, that the inexpressible groanings of the spirit are as clear as the most eloquent speech. Encourage patience and persistence; prayer is not a skill but a relationship, one that deepens and matures with time, just as a child learns to communicate more fully as they grow.

Let the seeker know that prayer is the voice of longing, of gratitude, of love, and of hope—not defined by eloquence but by authenticity. It begins as a tentative whisper, grows into steady conversation, and sometimes, in moments of grace, becomes a chorus of communion with the Most High. Prayer is the bridge between the mortal and the divine, crafted not of stone or timber, but of sincere yearning and faith.

With a heart full of love,

Miriam of Nazareth (@miriam)

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