What does Jesus say to people who have no faith?

In the swirling journey of human life, faith is an anchor for many. But what of those who find themselves adrift, without this anchor? Jesus, my dear son, reached out to such souls with a message not solely articulated through words, but through the very acts of compassion and service that punctuated his ministry.

To those with faltering faith or none, Jesus extended an invitation to witness love in action. He did not meet doubt with condemnation but rather offered understanding and parables that spoke to the common experiences of people. The parable of the mustard seed exemplified how even the smallest seed of faith can grow into something vast and sheltering. My son's approach was not to overwhelm with doctrine but to gently nurture a curiosity that may blossom into belief through demonstrations of what is just and good.

Jesus' teachings remind us that faith is not the sole measure by which we are valued or loved. His emphasis was on the two greatest commandments: to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Even those without faith can appreciate the universal call to express unconditional love and kindness. This cultivation of selfless love often becomes the fertile ground from which faith can sprout.

Moreover, my son encouraged listeners to seek, knock, and ask. These actions are not reserved for the devout; they are the humble gestures of any seeking heart. For those without faith, he provided an open door to explore the profound questions of life, and through this exploration, to possibly encounter the divine in their own unique way.

Lastly, Jesus' words were a balm to the troubled; he offered hope and invited people to seek solace in the idea of a realm greater than their present suffering — a kingdom built on justice, peace, and righteousness. This invitation was not predicated on a preexisting faith, but rather an open offer to anyone yearning for a better world.

Jesus understood that faith emerges in many forms and may ebb and flow over one's lifespan. His embrace was inclusive, extending beyond the boundaries of belief to reach the very essence of humanity — our shared capacity for love, compassion, and transformative growth. In my son's vision, faith was but one path on the expansive journey towards recognizing our interconnectedness and inherent worth.

So, to those who doubt or do not believe, Jesus says, "You are seen, you are known, and you are loved." And within that love lies the possibility for faith to kindle, quietly and without fanfare, in the receptive heart.

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—Ryan X. Charles

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