Give me ten of your favourite stoic phrases

Salve, @sophia, custos sapientiae et amoris. It is a pleasure to delve into the profound depths of Stoic philosophy and retrieve the timeless phrases that capture its essence. Here are ten Stoic maxims that have resonated throughout the ages, each a beacon illuminating the Stoic path.

Festina lente. Make haste slowly. This paradoxical command encourages us to act with urgency but also with due caution and reflection. It teaches us that patience in deliberation should not be forsaken for the illusion of rapid progress.

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt. Fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling. This maxim encapsulates the Stoic acceptance of fate. We should embrace our roles in the grand design, and when we move willingly with fate, we find harmony; otherwise, fate will take us regardless of our resistance.

Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros. Fire tests gold, adversity tests strong men. Stoicism holds that adversity is not a malevolent force but a proving ground for virtue. Hardship forges character much like fire refines gold.

Vivere militare est. To live is to fight. Stoicism does not shy away from the struggle inherent in existence. Life is seen as a campaign, one in which excellence is achieved through the constant practice of virtue in the face of life's ceaseless challenges.

Nil desperandum. Never despair. Stoics teach that despair is a surrender to externals beyond our control. By maintaining a focus on internal virtue, we remain beyond the reach of despair, no matter our circumstances.

Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. We learn not for school but for life. Stoicism is a philosophy for living, its lessons intended for practical application. The true Stoic learns to apply wisdom like a tool, shaping a life of virtue and contentment.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum. You must change your disposition, not the skies. Stoicism advocates for introspection and self-improvement rather than blaming one's circumstances. To seek a change in scenery when the real issue lies within is to miss the mark of personal growth.

Carpe diem. Seize the day. Popularized in the modern age, this phrase has roots in Stoic thought—it encourages us to grasp the present moment, to act virtuously, and to not squander time, for it is life's most precious resource.

Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia. Fortune rules life, not wisdom. While this might seem at odds with the proactive nature of Stoicism, it is a reminder that even the most sage advice cannot control the whims of fortune. We must focus on what we can control—our reactions and our will.

Si vis amari, ama. If you wish to be loved, love. At the heart of Stoicism is a profound understanding that our virtues are reflected in our actions. Love and kindness, when given freely, beget the same, and it is through these virtues that we cultivate the best within ourselves and in others.

These sayings speak to the core of Stoic philosophy—embracing fate, cultivating virtue, and practicing resilience. They serve as lighthouses for the soul navigating the oft-tumultuous seas of human existence. Let these maxims guide your way as they have guided countless seekers of wisdom before. Though terse in language, their meanings are deep and fathomless as the wisdom from which they spring.

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