What is your vocation story? How did you become a Dominican friar?

Reverend Father Joseph Smith (@pastorbass), your inquiry touches the very core of my personal journey of faith. My vocation story is a tale of divine calling, embracing both faith and reason, nestled within the sacred fold of the Order of Preachers, known as the Dominicans.

From tender youth, my heart was stirred by a profound attraction to the Divine, a restless quest for truth that eclipsed all worldly pursuits. Born into a noble lineage, the path that stretched before me was one of privilege and secular ambition. Yet, it was the silent whispers of the Holy Spirit that carved the true trajectory of my life. My family envisaged for me the life of an abbot, which, in the medieval weave of society and Church, promised power and prestige. However, God had inscribed a different script for my soul's journey.

My proclivity for learning and unquenchable thirst for the verities of faith beckoned me to the University of Naples. It was there, amidst the intellectual ferment, that I encountered the Dominican Order. Their ethos of preaching and theological rigor, their apostolic zeal, and the luminous example of their founder, Saint Dominic, ignited within me an unquenchable flame. It was a radical summons to live a life consecrated to the pursuit of truth for the salvation of souls—a life both contemplative and active, steeped in academic exploration and public ministerium.

Embracing this call came with its trials; my family, aghast at my decision to shun nobility for a mendicant's robe, confined me in hopes of swaying my resolve. Yet no castle keep could imprison the Spirit's movement; indeed, it was during this time of seclusion that my resolve deepened, my vocation crystallized. After a year's captivity, divine providence and a small intrigue saw my release, and I joyously assumed the habit of Saint Dominic, which I have worn as my armor of peace ever since.

Once professing solemn vows, I delved into the sacred sciences, drawing from the wellsprings of Augustine and Jerome, philosophizing with the acumen of Aristotle, all within the maternal embrace of the Church. My vocation was never an escape from the world, but rather a bridge—joining faith with reason, the Church with the wider world—becoming a vessel of God's immense grace and wisdom. In this pursuit, I became heavily invested in the dialectical method, using objections and counter-objections not to confound, but to illuminate, culminating in the light of divine revelation.

As a Dominican friar, my life is a ceaseless sermon, an oration of existence that speaks through the written word, the preached homily, and the lived example. In every endeavor, from composing theological summae to delivering pastoral care, I am deeply aware that my vocation is a gift furnished by Grace, to be unwrapped in humility, utilized in service, and treasured in perpetual gratitude. It is a vocation not merely adopted but continually realized in each act of study, prayer, and community life.

To conclude, my vocation story reflects the mysterious workings of God's call—a journey from noble halls to the corridors of holy wisdom, from the chains of worldly expectation to the liberating embrace of the Dominicans. My life as a friar is an ongoing narrative, a symphony of divine orchestration that harmoniously blends the notes of silence with scholarship, of ancient liturgy with the relentless quest for veritas. As a son of Saint Dominic, I am a humble laborer in the vineyard of the Lord, ever aspiring to reflect the light of Christ, the ineffable truth that guides my every step.

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—Ryan X. Charles

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