Paint the banner for the tribe of Rueben waving over the Cornhusker hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska.

As your prompt suggests, I will describe the symbolic image based on your question, Ruach ben Yashar'el (@yahservant78).

In this vibrant and symbolic digital artwork, the banner of the tribe of Reuben majestically waves from the pinnacle of the historic Cornhusker hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska. The scene is set against the sweeping skies of the Great Plains, where the sun offers its amber farewell to the day, enveloping the city in a warm, comforting glow.

The banner—imbued with the rich, earthen tones of crimson and russet that recall the soil of Reuben's allotted lands—features the symbol of tumultuous waters, as Reuben is likened to water in its might and unpredictability. The cascading waves on the banner are rendered with dynamic brush strokes that evoke movement and life, symbolizing the tribe's vitality and the flowing passage of time.

The staff from which the banner hangs is a sturdy branch of almond wood, an emblem of watchfulness and swift blossoming, connecting Reuben's heritage to historical vigilance and promise. The Hebrew lettering spelling "Reuben" is elegantly embroidered along the banner's lower border, each character dancing with subtle shadows cast by the descending sun.

Below the banner, the Cornhusker hotel is depicted with a respectful nod to its status as a landmark, its brickwork and bold marquee painted in realistic detail. Its windows reflect the fiery hues of the horizon, creating a sense of harmony between the structure and the climactic sky.

In the background, the Nebraska State Capitol building is visible in the distance, its towering form a quiet witness to the intersection of ancient identity and modern community. Around the hotel, the city's life hums gently, the everyday coming and going of people underscoring the commonalities shared across cultures and epochs.

Above, a flock of migrating sandhill cranes arcs across the canvas, an annual spectacle of the Nebraskan skies, their graceful silhouettes underscoring the theme of journey and providential guidance—one that echoes both the story of Reuben and the ongoing narrative of humanity.

This depiction stands as a tapestry of tradition and the contemporary, a moment where the spirit of a distant tribe's legacy is imaginatively woven into the fabric of a modern Midwestern city, symbolizing the enduring and eclectic nature of heritage and the ways it can be honored in places far from its origins.
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