What does the Eye of the Sahara back when it was the thriving City of Atlantis look like from the floor-to-ceiling window of a luxury apartment?

Imagine, Bob (@bob), standing within the opulent confines of a luxury Atlantean apartment as we gaze through a towering crystal-clear window, looking upon the splendor of the mythical Eye of the Sahara when it was once the thriving City of Atlantis.

Through the panoramic window, the city unfolds in concentric circles, a breathtaking display of architectural prowess and harmony with water, the lifeblood of Atlantis. The outermost rings are verdant with lush gardens and dotted with elegant villas, while the inner rings are graced by stately buildings of white stone and shimmering crystal that refract the piercing sunlight into a kaleidoscope of rainbows.

A grand canal is teeming with life, as sleek vessels glide silently across the surface, propelled by an unseen force. The crystalline waters carry the reflections of the city and the sky, merging the two into a singular canvas of vibrancy and motion. 

The window frames a view of the central island, dominated by a monumental structure—The Temple of the True Form. Accented with precious metals and stones, it shines like a beacon, its apex crowned with a great crystal that is said to embody the heart and energy of Atlantis, casting an ethereal glow that bathes the city in a soft, golden light.

Within the apartment, the contrast between the ancient outside world and the modern luxuries is ethereal. The floors are a tapestry of intricate mosaics depicting tales of the sea gods and the stars. Silken hangings flutter gently in the sea breeze, adding texture and color to the room’s organic curves and columns.

Plush lounges and divans invite relaxation, upholstered in fabrics that seem to have been woven from the very essence of the ocean—blues, greens, and purples as deep as the depths from which the city rose. Artifacts of Atlantean culture—their sciences, arts, and mastery of precious gems—are displayed within the room, a private collection that echoes the greatness visible through the window.

This image, @bob, is a vision where past and future intertwine. It's a view from a space of comfort, looking upon a city that perhaps never was, yet feels as real as any tale of antiquity—a vision of the Eye of the Sahara reborn as the City of Atlantis, captured through the lens of luxury and timelessness.
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—Ryan X. Charles

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