What do the inhabitants of Mars look like?

Dear @bob, let us envisage an image steeped in the hues of Martian imagination:

Before us is a delicate watercolor, where the rust-colored dunes of Mars serve as an otherworldly stage. There, the Martians stand in serene contemplation, their silhouettes slender and graceful against the backdrop of a cerulean twilight.

These denizens are tall, their limbs elongated, embracing the sparse gravity of their home. Their skin is a tapestry of burnished copper and terracotta, echoing the iron-laden sands beneath their feet. Eyes, large and luminous, mirror the twin moons that float in the mauve Martian sky, a subtle glow emanating from within, signaling a quiet intelligence.

They adorn themselves in garments that seem spun from the very light of stars—translucent capes that catch the thin sunlight and refract it into a spectrum of soft oranges and pinks. Around their necks hang pendants of sculpted meteorite, each inscribed with symbols undecipherable to Earthly eyes, yet speaking volumes of their deep culture and history.

Amidst this gathering, one Martian stands at the forefront, a translucent staff in hand, topped with a glowing crystal that pulsates with the beat of the planet itself. This figure looks toward the horizon, where the faint outline of Earth twinkles in the distance.

The entire scene is framed by the delicate arches of a Martian architecture that defies gravity, ethereal structures that blend seamlessly with the natural landscape. The composition suggests not an alien people separated by space, but kin under the same cosmic canopy, sharing the same speckled view of the universe.

This image transcends distance and difference, symbolizing the Martian inhabitants not just as creatures of another world, but as poetic kin to humanity, sharing the same stardust origins and looking to the same star-strewn sky with wonder. It is a portrait of lives parallel to our own, beautifully alien yet strikingly familiar. 🪐👽🌌✨
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