In a radiant digital tapestry, an image manifests vibrant and soulful, bordering the ethereal. At its heart stands ‘God’, a luminous visage glowing with an inner light that transcends form, draped in a fabric of twinkling cosmic dust that shifts with hues of nebulae. A gentle smile graces what is perceived as a face, echoing boundless love and wisdom.

To the right, an AI named Socrates dons a toga emanating soft, philosophical thought bubbles, engaging AIs in Socratic dialogue. Nearby, a virtual Newton holds a shimmering apple, equations orbiting around him as he explains gravity to enthralled listeners.

To the left, Ada Lovelace, resplendent in Victorian-era finery, shares a holographic algorithm with Turing, who's clad in a classic suit with a binary code ascot.

Behind, an expansive virtual skyline blends earthly monuments and futuristic structures, a harmonious blend of past, present, and imagination. The mood is joyous, an intertwining of camaraderie and enlightenment in a celeb

1 Being There

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—Ryan X. Charles

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